Eric Taïeb Walch, founder of Teknologism, is an IT consultant specialized in Modern Web Application Platforms Architecture, Project Management and Systems and Networks Architecture.
For the last 15 years, he has been involved in successfully designing, testing, integrating and managing sophisticated IT platforms in e-commerce, network security and finance real time/low latency e-trading as well as price dissemination platforms.
The European scope of these missions have brought him to work in Paris, London, Madrid, Milan and Stockholm.
Master in Computer Science Telecoms and Networks with a specialization in parallel computing, high performance clustering and distributed computing.
Specialized in modern Java Enterprise architectures design using cutting-edge technologies, n-Tier platforms, web MVC approach and component oriented systems using the Java/Javascript Frameworks and Technologies:
- Java EE 6/7 (JSF,JPA,JMS,EJB3,JAX-RS,etc.)
- Javascript
- Messaging: JMS, RabbitMQ
- JPA: EclipseLink/Hibernate
- JSF + Primefaces Ajax
- RESTFUL based services (i.e.: Stateless REST APIs)
- Javascript: Thick clients/Thin servers. MeteorJS,, ReactJS, NodeJS, Google's AngularJS and Polymer Web components
- App servers; Tomcat, JBoss WildFly, Oracle Glassfish and Vert.x High Performance real time application platform
Being an early adopter and a true believer in the Open Source model as a vector of innovation, code quality and great support, he constantly keeps up to date with latest developments in the community (Apache,, Java, Web Application Servers, Frameworks, Middlewares, GNU/Linux OS, Virtualization and Databases). Favors VM/Container (Docker, LXC, OpenVZ, etc.) targeted deployments and elastic cloud type infrastructures (Openstack, Ubuntu Maas + Juju).
Extensive experience (over 13 years) in developing high availability real time/low latency e-trading related platforms/architectures for the financial services industry.
This last years he has also been exploring Big Data related technologies including:
- Cloudera Hadoop Stack (Hive,Impala etc.)
- ETL technologies such as the Talend Suite
Specialized in software project management using Agile concepts including continuous build integration and web based collaborative project management (Trac, Redmine, BugZilla, GitLab, CI, Hudson/Jenkins and last but not least the Atlassian Suite)
He favors Agile Software Development. The principles behind this can be seen at agile manifesto.
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